Multifamily Property Taxes in the Covid-19 World

William Ryan Apr 09, 2020
2 min read
Multifamily Property Taxes in the Covid-19 World

3 Points to Keep in Mind When Appealing

Right now, the safety of your team members, residents, and the uncertainty resulting from this pandemic have likely pushed property taxes to the far regions of your mind. Not to worry, we exist to handle your property taxes so you can rest assured they are being addressed while you handle the critical issues facing your company.

Rising unemployment and government-mandated stay-at-home orders have a real impact on your residents and their ability to pay rent, directly impacting your gross income. Government restrictions have limited the ability to address non-payment and much about this year remains uncertain. One certainty, PROPERTY TAXES will come due regardless of how your property performs.

Whether you engage a tax consultant or appeal your own properties, here are three important points to keep in mind when protesting your valuation this year:

1. How are the current conditions impacting your rent collections?

2. Have your expenses increased due to higher usage or restrictions?

3. Last year property sales may not correctly reflect the market valuations today.

It is more important than ever that you engage multifamily property tax specialists to represent your properties and combat the rising property valuations. Reductions to your property valuation will directly impact your taxes and affect your bottom line, helping your cash flow when you need it most.

Wayfinder Tax Relief, LLC is the #1 multifamily property tax specialist in the industry. They focus solely on multifamily properties and are at the cutting edge of the industry change. They are involved in many local apartment associations and are members of the Texas Apartment Association and the National Apartment Association.

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