When Should You Hire A Property Tax Professional?

William Ryan Jun 25, 2021
3 min read
When Should You Hire A Property Tax Professional?

Anytime Of Year Is A Good Time To Get With A Property Tax Agent

Many Texas multifamily property owners already have representation concerning their noticed value protests. But not all. Whether you do it yourself–or even if you’ve never filed an appeal–you should engage with a property tax agent today to get specialized help with lowering your taxes.

2 Reasons You Need Specialized Help with Your Property Taxes

1. They can save you more than you can save yourself

If you do not have a property tax agent currently reviewing your properties’ values for potential protests, you should do so immediately. Agents specialize in property valuations–and in reducing them–to save you more on taxes. Doing these in-house may seem to save you money because you do not need to pay an agent’s fee, but you are most likely missing out on large tax savings every year that more than pays for the agent. In fact, most agents only charge a fee if they are successful in saving you money. Doing this work in-house creates more stress for you and your team members, requires the use of more resources, and often will result in suboptimal results. Getting expert representation is always advisable.

2. They can help you all year long

Now that you can see the value of a good agent, when should you reach out and engage with a firm for representation? The answer is: immediately. There is no bad time to start working with a good agent. If values have just come out, it means they can start preparing your case for appeal to an ARB and even court, if needed. If it has been months since your last appeal, an agent can review your portfolio for further reductions outside the normal appeal timeframe, or start prepping appeals for next year by doing site visits and learning your assets. Agents can, and should, even be providing you with tax estimates for budgeting purposes. There is no bad time to get with a great firm. A good agent can provide value no matter the season. 

If you do not yet have any representation for your Texas multifamily property, please visit contact us today and see what a specialist can do for you and your portfolio.

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